Qwear Fashion

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Toni Branson: “I Started Style is Freedom the Moment I was Born”

Toni Branson, CEO/Creative Director of luxury streetwear brand Style is Freedom, launched her first cut-and-sew collection that features originally constructed pieces. 

“This is a big step for me and the company as a whole to be able to put my blueprint on the chosen silhouette of our garments,” Branson told Qwear. The collection features a tee shirt and shorts set made of 100% cotton.

Qwear chatted with founder Toni Branson on her inspiration behind the brand. Watch the video to learn more about how Toni is expanding the world of fashion for masculine women and people who don’t fit the binary and see images of the new collection.

Video Transcript:

2008 is when I filed the trademark and started all the processing of Style is Freedom, but I really started the incorporation of the business here in New York City in 2010 so I kind of earmarked that as when I actually started the business. But I started creating the movement of Style is Freedom in 2008. Though I think about it in hindsight you 14 and 16 years removed at that point, I really started Style is Freedom the moment I was born.

Style is Freedom represents exactly what it says: Style is Freedom. Really freedom. You know, it represents freedom. It’s a brand that really is focused on empowering people, liberating those who represent female masculinity in a traditional and nontraditional form.

People see women such as myself as unnormal or like so different that it’s very shocking to know that I’m an adult and I still dress in a very masculine way and I haven’t transitioned as a woman by being more feminine. Start removing all the labels and all the traditional expectations on your fashion; on your wardrobe choices. The main thing is that it really empowers — it really accentuates freedom and I do that through the designs, through making the clothing genderless and allowing it to be represented by all bodies. Not really putting a scope on you know, male/female. I make clothing that fits everybody. That’s healthy and beautiful.

The name of my new collection is Free Yourself Volume 1. One of my coworkers, I was always saying “live free live free live free,” and she was like “yeah free yourself” and I was like “exactly.” There's something that I wanted to use for a collection a while back. I never really tapped into that yet because I was trying to accentuate different themes. Live Free Volume 1. Live Free Volume 2. I feel like now I'm at: Free Yourself.

Support & connect with Toni Branson at Info@styleisfreedom.com. Shop exclusive designs, statement pieces, and a unique look for yourself at styleis freedom.com



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Shot and Edited by:

Jaypix Belmer (@jaypixof)